Tuesday, November 27, 2012

.htaccess password generator

Use this tool at Dynamic Drive to automatically generate all the code needed to protect a directory on your site. Below are the 2 files generated by the tool. .htaccess goes into the folder that you want to protect and .htpasswd should be in a folder not accessible from the web. I normally put my .htpasswd file in my apache’s base folder.
.htaccess file
AuthName "Restricted Area"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/mydir/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
require valid-user

.htpasswd file
Get the tool here.

Screen | Linux Command

When you run commands and programs in a command prompt on Linux, the programs or commands only run while the command prompt session is open but as soon as the command prompt session is terminated for whatever reason, the commands or programs running within the command prompt session will also get terminated.
I use wget to download files from the internet using my putty console all the time. Imagine downloading a 500mb file and then suddenly putty crashes causing my session to terminate along with it. There goes my 500mb file download!! I so wished I had known about the “Screen” program then.
The screen program is a magnificent utility. Screen basically starts a session within the the session that you logged in with. So, if your putty session suddenly crashed don’t worry, the screen session would still be running in the background. Log in again to the server using putty and you should be able to retrieve the screen session you initiated earlier.
# screen
This starts a screen session.
# Ctrl + A followed by D
This will detach your screen session and return you to the original session you logged in with. Your screen session will now be running in the background.
# screen -r
This command will resume your previous screen session.
# Ctrl + A followed by Ctrl + (back slash)
# exit
You could run either command above to end a screen session.
# Ctrl + A followed by “
This command will list all the available screen sessions running if there are.
Usefull Links:
O’REILLY Linux Command Directory

Inside Open Source

-bash: /usr/bin/crontab: Permission denied

” -bash: /usr/bin/crontab: Permission denied “.
I was getting this error earlier today while trying to add cron jobs for my login on my SLES 10 box at work. Turns out that all users in SLES 10 by default have no access to cron.
The fix is to add the user to the “trusted” group in the group file (/etc/group). Let’s assume mu login is “elf”.
1. Make sure you are “root”.
2. #usermod -G trusted elf
This will add the user to the “trusted” group.
3. #id elf
Display groups the user belongs to. Make sure “trusted” is on the list too.
The output might look like this. “uid=502(danny) gid=502(users) groups=502(elf),11(trusted)”
4. #su – elf
Change user
5. #crontab -e
Add/Remove/Edit user cron jobs.
6. #crontab -l
List user scheduled cron jobs
Please do comment if you have an alternative way to accomplish this or if I made a mistake.

Bash and command line keyboard shortcuts

Shortcut keys for the bash and commad line interface.
Ctrl + A – Moves cursor to begining of line.
Ctrl + E – Moves cursor to end fo line.
Ctrl + K – Clears command line from cursor position till end of line.
Ctrl + U – Clears command line from cursor position till begining of line.
Ctrl + W – Clears first word to the left from cursor position.
Ctrl + Y – Paste any value previously deleted by Ctrl+K,Ctrl+U and Ctrl+W.
Tab Key – Auto compelte a partial typed command.
Ctrl + R – Followed by characters with search through the recent command history.
Crtl + D – Quits bash if used in a blank command line.
Ctrl + L – Screen refresh.
Ctrl + C – Kills current process.
Ctrl + Z – Suspend a process. Use command “bg” to execute the process in the background and “fg” to bring the process back to the foreground. The command “jobs” will list the available processes you can manipulate.
That’s it. Hope the commands help you. If i missed out anything please do comment.

SSH Tunneling with Putty | Linux

SSH tunneling or also known as port forwarding is a way of forwarding normally insecure TCP traffic through SSH. Common ports for example POP3,SMTP,HTTP and FTP can be easily tunneled using SSH.
SSH tunneling is also sometimes used to bypass firewalls where certain ports are blocked.
The figure below represents the network setup at my workplace where the only port available to use is SSH port 22. By implementing portwarding over ssh I am able to port forward Oracle traffic over port 22 to my Oracle DB database running on my private VM with host only networking enabled.
SSH Tunneling
In this post I will show you how to apply SSH tunneling using the windows SSH client Putty. I’ll cover the Linux implementation in my future post.

You will need Putty to get started. Putty is a popular free win32 based SSH/Telnet client. Obtain the latest version 0.59 at the homepage.
Putty Home | Putty Download
Run Putty, key in the address for your Linux box. In this example “″ “Pandora” is the Linux box hosting VM and on the VM “″ the is an Oracle database running on RHEL 3. The VM is setup with host only networking so it has no access beyond the host machine “Pandora”.
Look for the SSH tree entry in the menu to the left. Expand it and go to “Tunnels”.
Fill the the required information and click add.
Source Port: 1521
“Source port” is the port Putty will listen on for incoming connections.
“Destination” is the destination port we are trying to access. In this example the Oracle listener is listening on port 1521 for incoming traffic so we use that.
“1521″ is the standard Oracle listener port.
Remember to save the session in the session page.
Open Putty and login to the Linux box “Pandora” and port forwarding should be up.
That’s it, have fun.

Duplicate ssh sessions without password prompt

I work with multiple ssh sessions whenever I connect to a server. Typically I would have about 3 sessions initiated from my host machine to the destination server.
Found away to duplicate my session without retyping my password every time I initiate a connection the the server from my host machine thanks to  Linux By Examples.
Add the following 2 lines to your /etc/ssh/ssh_config file and feature will be ready for you to use once you restart the sshd service.
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/socket-%r@%h:%p

Enables the sharing of multiple sessions over a  single
network  connection.   When  set  to  “yes”  ssh will
listen for connections on a  control  socket  specified
using  the  ControlPath  argument.  Additional sessions
can connect to this socket using the  same  ControlPath
with  ControlMaster set to “no” (the default).  These
sessions will reuse the master instance’s network  con-
nection  rather than initiating new ones.  Setting this
to “ask” will cause ssh to listen for control connec-
tions,  but  require confirmation using the SSH_ASKPASS
program before they are accepted  (see  ssh-add(1)  for
Specify  the  path  to  the  control  socket  used  for
connection sharing.  See ControlMaster above.

How to change the hostname in Linux

Changing your Linux machine’s hostname is easy. Just follow the steps below.
root# hostname [new-host-name]
root# vi /etc/sysconfig/network
root# vi /etc/hosts
Make sure your new host is updated in the hosts file.
root# service network restart